
LAFC Launches Petition To Recognize Juneteenth As National Holiday

Recognize Juneteenth As National Holiday

LAFC today announced an initiative to recognize Juneteenth as a federal holiday in the United States. The campaign features a petition with the goal of receiving 100,000 signatures.

Juneteenth is known as the U.S. celebration of the official end of slavery. The 155-year-old holiday is celebrated on June 19, the date Major General Gordon Granger of the Union Army landed in Galveston, Texas and informed slaves that the Civil War had ended and slavery had been abolished.

The holiday is currently recognized in 47 states throughout the country, and fans are encouraged to sign LAFC’s petition to have the date acknowledged as a federal holiday.

The launch of the Juneteenth petition is the first of many upcoming initiatives LAFC is pledging to take on in its commitment to foster change, including observing June 19th as a company-wide holiday annually.

The launch of the Juneteenth petitions is the first of many upcoming initiatives LAFC is pledging to take on in its commitment to foster change. The Club stands firmly in solidarity with the Black Community against all acts of racism, hatred and prejudice. LAFC will continue to support, promote equality and use their collective voice against all social injustice.

Sign LAFC’s petition.

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